Strategic management as the basis of the activities of regional non-profit organizations: russian and foreign experience

  • Arnaut M.N.

    Marina N. Arnaut. Vladivostok State University. Vladivostok. Russia.

  • Купчик Артем Павлович

    Artem P. Kupchik. Vladivostok State University Vladivostok. Russia


Abstract. Non-profit organizations are rapidly developing forms of the contemporary “third sector” of the economy. They act as a link between the population, business, and government in the common cause of solving pressing social issues. Despite the relatively thorough degree of study of the functioning of nonprofit organizations in scientific discourse, the aspect of strategic management of these forms in the re-
gional non-profit sector remains insufficiently disclosed. The authors analyze domestic and foreign literature to identify key approaches and models of strategic management in the non-profit sector. A conclusion is made about the priority of the financial capabilities of the organization in developing a strategy for a non-profit organization. Various aspects of strategic management are covered, such as strategy develop-
ment, resource management, performance measurement and performance management. The article emphasizes the importance of strategic management for achieving the goals and sustainability of non-profit organizations. Based on the results of a review of approaches to the strategic management of non-profit organizations in Russia, Canada, Australia and the Netherlands as countries with the highest indicators of
the “third sector” development, it is outlined that Russian and foreign organizations operate in conditions of fierce industry competition, but Russian non-profit organizations rely mainly upon state financial support, whereas the main contribution to the development of foreign organizations is made by citizens with active government incentives. According to the authors, a qualitative increase in the financial and strategic success of non-profit organizations requires them to systematically diversify their revenue management strategies and combine best practices to achieve optimal results, considering their personnel and technical capabilities.
Keywords: non-profit organizations, strategic management, strategic analysis, diversification, financial stability, development strategies.